Our Blog

September 23rd is Fall Prevention Awareness Day!

September 23, 2010 is Fall Prevention Awareness Day! For people over 65 years of age, a fall is serious thing. Falls and injuries from falls are a major threat to health, independence and quality of life. Every year 1 out of 3 older persons has a fall and most falls occur at home. With much […]

It’s getting hot out there!

It‚Äôs getting hot out there! We are experiencing extreme temperatures all over New Jersey and surrounding areas this week. Here are some tips for staying cool and safe. Drink plenty of water or other non-alcoholic beverages. Make sure children and the elderly are drinking water, and ensure that persons with mobility problems have adequate fluids […]

NJ’s Budget Impact on Seniors

May 26, 2010 New Jersey‚Äôs budget is in the midst of a heated debate. Governor Chris Christie has proposed the new budget and made many cuts. There have been many groups affected by the cuts that have reacted with press releases, meetings and rallies. NJFA and its partners have done much research and speaking out […]

What the budget cuts mean for NJ Seniors

NJFA has been looking at the proposed budget and doing some research with some of our stakeholders. What we’ve found is that there will be some significant impact for NJ’s seniors.