I'm an Older Adult
I'm a Caregiver
I'm a Professional
Welcome to NJ Advocates for Aging Well (formerly NJ Foundation for Aging)! As proud and passionate advocates since our founding in 1998, we’re working to address the issues that are critical to you.
Did you know that according to statistics, more than 23% of NJ's total population is over 60 -- and by the year 2030, all Baby Boomers will be of retirement age? Studies also show that the majority of adults 50+ wish to remain in their homes and/or communities as long as possible, with a sense of independence and connection. Do you?With the number of aging adults rising rapidly, NJ families would be wise to start planning for their future living needs. However, many may not be aware that there isn’t one large leap from living in complete independence to assisted living. There are numerous steps and options along a continuum of needs, finances, preferences and opportunities.
We brought together experts in the realm of NJ housing to explore options at each of those stages and needs, from the perspective of the older adult and family members, for The NJAAW Housing Series. Speakers explained strategies to help people stay in their homes with modifications and built design; options for getting help in the home; downsizing, and when assisted and supportive living becomes necessary. To view the recordings and slides, click on EVENTS on the top of this page, and look under PAST EVENTS.
Also on our website you’ll find reliable resources and information to help guide you through the process of aging with dignity and independence in your community. Check out our episodes of AGING INSIGHTS TV.
It’s never too early to start learning about the types of challenges you may face over time. And if you can’t find what you’re seeking, send us an email. We’re happy to help. Be sure to follow us on social media for the most current news.
Welcome to NJ Advocates for Aging Well (formerly NJ Foundation for Aging)! The loving care that you provide is invaluable, but we know you also need support.
Here you’ll find support in print and on our TV show, as well as contact phone numbers, email addresses and weblinks for resources in your field. And if you can’t find what you’re seeking, send us an email. We’re happy to help. Be sure to follow us on social media for the most current news.
Welcome to NJ Advocates for Aging Well (formerly NJ Foundation for Aging)! Thank you for committing your career to serving the needs of our state’s aging population.
Since our founding in 1998, we’ve assembled a diverse range of experts in the aging field to present you with best practices and development opportunities at our annual conference for professionals. We also address the needs of the community by hosting frequent topical webinars and roundtable conversations on such policy issues as senior nutrition, climate change and housing insecurities.
Our 26th Annual Conference is taking place at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick on Friday, May 17. Check out our "Events" tab for more information and to register. Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities are also available!
We invite you to explore our resources -- particularly our weekly newsletter -- and calendar of upcoming educational events.
Join us for thought-provoking broadcasts about the issues that impact the lives of older adults and caregivers. Meet guests and experts from various fields and organizations for lively discussions as they share resources and solutions on real-world topics that concern us all. You can also watch and subscribe to the show on NJAAW’s YouTube channel. For sponsorship information, please email us at office@njaaw.org.
No Upcoming Events scheduled at this time.
New Jersey Advocates for Aging Well
Established in 1998, NJAAW (formerly NJFA) is the only statewide nonprofit focused solely on providiAging Insights Episode 141 - A Good Look at Eye Care
Some changes in vison are natural with age, many are not. Loss of vision can impact quality of life, our independence and our self-confidence. It's important...NJAAW – New Jersey Advocates for Aging Well – njaaw.org
Welcome to NJ Advocates for Aging Well (formerly NJ Foundation for Aging)! As proud and passionate advocates since our founding in 1998, we’re working to address the issues that are critical to you.Aging Insights 138 Fall Prevention YouTube
Falling is one of the scariest words for older adults. It conjures up fear of declining health, injury and a slippery slide towards losing independence. Bu...us02web.zoom.us
Join this special presentation by Melanie Bunn of Positive Approach to Care. Positive Approach to Care (PAC), was founded by Teepa Snow in 2006 and is now collaborating to improve dementia care in ove...Aging Insights 137: Traveling After 60
Traveling is back!It has been 3 long years since the COVID-19 pandemic shut down most traveling. Now as the world is opening up again, it is time to think of...NJAAW thanks our generous donors and funders:
Support for NJAAW was provided in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Foundation.