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Coalition of Advocates Seeks Solutions to Caregiver Workforce Shortage

“Jobs that Care.”“Make a Difference.”Those are the headlines emblazoned on social media posts, radio ads and the sides of NewJersey buses, as part of a new marketing campaign highlighting the emotional rewards ofworking in what’s known as the “direct-care workforce”. The ads were launched in recent weeks by the NJ Department of Human Services – […]

New Jersey’s Mental Health Urgency in Older Adults

By: Audrey Meng, Rutgers Student Intern People don’t mind getting old. People mind feeling old. There has been attention brought to the care of older adults and their mental well-being recognizing the effects of social isolation and the impact of COVID. But COVID was not the start, source, or end of mental health needs for […]

Innovations for Aging in New Jersey on Display at Rutgers University’s InnovAGING NJ 2024 Summit

The Hub for Aging Collaboration at the Rutgers University School of Social Work hosted the inaugural InnovAGING NJ 2024 Summit on March 22, 2024. This free virtual event served as a showcase of innovative programs, practices, and partnerships changing norms for aging in New Jersey. The 250 attendees spanned five states (and Washington, D.C.) and […]

Older Americans Act Re-Authorization.

What Changes Might We See? This year could mark the first major revisions in more than 35 years to the rules governing theOlder Americans Act, the federal law that backbones many of the community-level programsthat provide meals, senior center programs, transportation, home-care and much more. The nearly 60-year-old law is due for re-authorization by Oct […]

NJAAW Celebrates 25 Years Serving NJ Older Adults, ‘Dares to Envision’ Policy Progress

To honor the milestone and draw support for its mission, the organization is spotlighting the top issues affecting the state’s growing population of older adults. HAMILTON, NJ — October 198, 2023. NJ Advocates for Aging Well (NJAAW), the only statewide nonprofit focusing solely on issues impacting older adults in New Jersey, is proud to celebrate […]

A Guide for Accessory Dwelling Units: Getting Started

By: Sevki Topcu, Co Founder, HAVEN More and more people are adding accessory dwelling units to their homes these days and for good reason! ADUs offer a host of benefits, from added income and increased property value to more space and privacy. If you’re thinking of adding an ADU to your home, this guide will […]

Virtual Age-Friendly Fair Highlights Path to Better NJ

More than 260 people – including key government, business, non-profit and academic leaders -participated in New Jersey’s Age-Friendly Virtual Fair, a first-of-its-kind showcase of the diverse work underway to make the Garden State a better place to grow old. The Sept. 15 virtual conference featured 34 virtual “table” presentations on myriad subjects that encompass or […]

End of Life Doulas – Compassionate Support and Expert Guidance for Your Family Through the Sacred Journey of Aging and End of Life

By Adrian AlloteyEldercare Specialist/Aging Companion/End of Life DoulaYou Are Not Alone Elder Care LLC Clinically managed end of life care is increasingly becoming a hot topic for discussion. Providing care for fragile elderly patients nearing their transition from this world goes beyond learned skills. Medical personnel responsible for providing this specialized care must have an […]

Lifelong Learning Can Lead to Lifelong Wellness

Education doesn’t have an end date. In fact, it shouldn’t. And while education in the formal sense can be limited to an institutional understanding of the word, lifelong learning is expansive and flexible. Learning to paint with acrylics, analyzing films from the 20th century, discovering an unknown event from history, or how to use photoshop are […]