Our Blog

Coalition of Advocates Seeks Solutions to Caregiver Workforce Shortage

“Jobs that Care.”“Make a Difference.”Those are the headlines emblazoned on social media posts, radio ads and the sides of NewJersey buses, as part of a new marketing campaign highlighting the emotional rewards ofworking in what’s known as the “direct-care workforce”. The ads were launched in recent weeks by the NJ Department of Human Services – […]

Caregiving in New Jersey Series Overview

By: Darian Constantine Session 1 – Defining Caregiving & its Impact on Family, Patients & Friends        The first part of the Caregiving in New Jersey Series was all about defining caregiving and how it impacts caregivers, patients, and friends. Our first presentation was by Courtney Roman of Center for Health Care Strategies, giving an […]

“Building a direct care workforce for an aging population”

By: Cathy RoweJune 6, 2022 This article was originally published on njbiz.com and is posted here with permission. At New Jersey Advocates for Aging Well, we are always looking at the numbers. So, consider these statistics. The population age 65+ was the fastest growing group in New Jersey between 2010 and 2020, increasing 26.8%, according to usafacts.org/data. This […]

Reflection on the NJAAW Housing Series

A guest blog by William Cotrone, NJAAW intern As the global population continues to grow/age, appropriate housing for older adults is now more important than ever. Most of NJ’s current housing stock was built for young able-bodied adults and nuclear families. Currently, 30% of homeowners in the US are single and live alone. By 2030, […]

Warning on Scams Claiming to Support Ukraine

by Cathy Rowe, DrPH, Executive Director, NJAAW Unfortunately, we have seen this over and over: Well-meaning older adults who want to support a good cause become the targets or victims of a scam Why Are There Scams About Ukraine? Let’s be clear – the people of Ukraine need our support and help. Lives are disrupted, […]

Home is where the heart is

“There isn’t one large leap from living independently in one’s home to needing assisted living – there are numerous steps and choices.”

Avoiding COVID-19 Vaccination Scams

Guest blog by Charles Clarkson, Esq., Project Director, Senior Medicare Patrol of New Jersey On March 13, 2020, a national health emergency was declared due to the coronavirus pandemic. After many years of running the Senior Medicare Patrol of New Jersey (SMP), I knew it was only a matter of time before we starting seeing […]

Aging Well – Moving Forward Together

Excerpt from a speech by Cathy Rowe, DrPH, NJAAW’s new Executive Director For the last four to five years, I have been deeply involved in age-friendly efforts and communities, and as you have heard in recent weeks — and from some of our [conference] speakers — NJ has committed to becoming an age-friendly state. So, […]