The first show aired in October and featured NJFA’s Executive Director, Grace Egan as moderator and introduces the audience to NJFA. Program Manager, Melissa Chalker explains the Elder Index and our first guest, Lisa Pitz from the NJ Anti-Hunger Coalition talks about senior participation in nutrition programs.
The second episode of Aging Insights has been filmed and will air in November. NJFA’s Executive Director, Grace Egan hosts the November show which looks at creativity- midlife and beyond.  The guests include, Eileen Doremus and Bill Hlubik, who speak about the 45th Annual Senior Art Show and the Master Gardeners Program. Eileen describes the opportunities for seniors to display their art work at the County Art Shows  and the NJ Senior Art Show while Bill cites many of the learning and volunteer opportunities available through County Cooperative Extension programs.

You can visit NJFA’s website, http://www.njfoundationforaging.orgfor more information about the Foundation, as well as, read full Press Releases about Aging Insights.
 You can also view Aging Insights by going to and clicking on Aging Insights.