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Are there two types of baby boomers?

We‚Äôve all heard of late bloomers, but are you an early boomer or a later boomer? This recent article from the New York Times talks about just that. The author, 50 year old, Richard P?®rez-Pe?±a¬† refers to the first half of the baby boom generation as ‚ÄúBoomer Classic‚Äù and the second half, some of whom are turning 50 this year as¬† ‚ÄúBoomer Reboot‚Äù. So which category do you fall into and do you want to be identified as a boomer? We‚Äôd love to know your stand on this, so please share your thought in the comments below.

Also, take a look at the full article to read what historical and cultural moments in the United States author, Richard P?®rez-Pe?±a believes divides the boomer generation.¬† http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/06/booming/i-may-be-50-but-dont-call-me-a-boomer.html?_r=0&adxnnl=1&pagewanted=2&adxnnlx=1389106913-W++ke/Cop2qkjTk96WJthg